David Basham MP

David Basham MP

  • Shadow Minister for Environment
  • Shadow Minister for Water Infrastructure
  • Member for Finniss

About David

David Basham was elected to the South Australian Parliament as the Member for Finniss in 2018.

He was appointed to Cabinet as the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development in the Marshall Government in 2020. The portfolio includes responsibility for agriculture, food and fisheries, and forests.

David is passionate about primary industries and seeing our regional and agricultural sectors thrive, having played a prominent role in the dairy farming industry.

Working as a dairy farmer on the Fleurieu Peninsula for nearly 30 years, he became the President of the South Australian Dairyfarmers' Association (SADA), and more recently, the President of the peak national body, Australian Dairy Farmers Ltd (ADF).

He has also held the positions of Director on the Veterinary Surgeons Board and Primary Producers SA Council.

David is actively involved in his local community, and prior to politics he served on the Fleurieu Regional Development Board and on the board of Investigator College.

He lives in his electorate with his wife Kate and their three daughters.

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